Energy Healing


I offer Usui Reiki, a divine, life force energy, which helps promote relaxation, peace, easing of emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical discomforts, reduces stress and anxiety, and contributes to an overall sense of wellness. There are a variety of formats.


Sessions vary from 30 minutes to 60 minutes (1 hour).

Important To Know

  • These are live, real-time video energy healings.
  •  If you do not want to do a live, real-time video energy healing, please make sure to denote that by clicking on “Distant Energy Healing” when booking your appointment. The time you select is when I will transmit Reiki to you. You do NOT have to be present on any technology, video, screen, or computer. Sharing a photo is helpful but not required. 
  • Energy transcends space, time, and boundaries, and both are very effective options.

Refunds & Cancellation Policy

You have 48 hours to reschedule if you need to. Please arrive on time. Sessions will be canceled if you are more than 10 minutes late or do not show up. This does not apply to Distant Energy Healing sessions. If you are late, I will not make up the time difference. There are no refunds.