About Christine

Hola! I’m Dr. Christine Balarezo, or Christine as most people call me. I run Christine Balarezo, a spirituality business that offers multidimensional services for clients around the world. I’ve worked in various sectors including academia and the nonprofit world as a PhD-trained Political Scientist specializing in human rights, comparative politics, and mixed methodology, as well as research and teaching. While I was passionate about my work, I did not feel like I was making the impact I wanted to, and felt constrained by what other people and institutions demanded.
In 2020 amidst the pandemic, I resigned from the most toxic job I ever had, and started freelancing. I finally felt free, though it came about in an unexpected and unplanned way. Little by little, I loosened my reins of control and started following signs – or golden nuggets as I call them – leading me to officially establish my own business in March 2022.
I wish I could say crossing this bridge was easy, seamless, and amazing; it was not. Leaving that toxic job prompted another major period of my own personal renaissance or rebirth, which entailed massive and accelerated healing. While I was physically present in the world, my soul inwardly took a step back toward finding solace in the simplicity and safety of nature, animals, books, spirituality, and solitude. Lots of solitude, actually.
Traversing my own soul journey entailed difficult and painful lessons, overcoming limiting beliefs, wading through a shit ton of fear, learning to uphold my sovereignty in relationships, setting boundaries, letting people and things go, and more importantly, owning who I was regardless of what other people thought of me. I am incredibly grateful because going through my own darkness and constantly transforming has allowed me to help others do the same. Most importantly, these experiences have allowed me to empower myself to be seen in unseen ways. I do what I do now because I love helping other creative sensitives in the world, just like myself, find their own way back home to themselves to fully trust who they are, appreciate their innate gifts, and love themselves.
Looking back at all of the jobs I’ve ever had, one common thread pops out: my love for connecting with people one-on-one and guiding them, whether it was through customer service, mentorship, advising, teaching, coaching, facilitating healing, or service. There’s something incredibly amazing in helping other lighthouses harness their own power and turn on their own bright ass light!
If you’re feeling stuck, lost, disillusioned, are in the midst of some kind of transition, change, or spiritual awakening, or experiencing many things at once, I am here to help. I know a crapload about navigating the spiritual and earthly journey from a unique and diverse perspective, and how to do it in a practical way that is tailored to you. Together we’ll explore your goals and I’ll support you with clarity, confirmation, and guidance so you can start to truly navigate your life in a way that feels good, connected to your values, and to your soul vida (vida means “life” in Spanish).
Let’s meet up for a virtual coffee or hot chocolate to chat more about your soul journey and how I can help.